2025 - 26 LHMS PTA Board

Thank you for your interest in serving on the 2025-2026 LHMS PTA!  We are seeking volunteers who will have a 6th - 8th grader at LHMS during the 25-26 school year to sign up as potential PTA board members.  Below are the opportunities to serve, please add your name under no more than 3 positions where you would be willing to volunteer. We will take up to 3 nominees total per board position.

PLEASE NOTE that signing up does not guarantee a position.  Our PTA nominating committee will carefully review all nominees and nominate 1 individual per role based on qualifications and the needs of our PTA.  This form will be open until February 20 and nominations will be confirmed on March 6.  Please reach out to susankfairchild@gmail.com with any questions. Thank you in advance for your willingness to support our school community!



To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.

Coordinate the work of the LHMS PTA executive board and committees to run the PTA effectively. Preside over all PTA board and general meetings. Represent LHMS PTA as a delegate to council PTA. Assist LHMS principal in PTA calendar planning, and work with other RISD administration as needed. Communicate to the executive board.
1 out of 3 filled.

First Vice President (Aide)
Act as the chair of Awards Committee. Assume responsibilities for the President if needed. Coordinate with the technology chair to organize and execute the online store in the summer, and train executive board on the membership management software. Organize the transition meeting/dinner for the PTA executive board in May.
0 out of 3 filled.

Second Vice President (Programs and Events)
Arrange programs/speakers for the PTA membership meetings. Oversee and assist faculty with : Schedule Pick Up; Open House; Lights On Lake Highlands; LHMS Community Events.
1 out of 3 filled.

Third Vice President (Membership)
Promote membership of the LHMS PTA, enroll new members, and maintain a current membership list. Oversee the membership module of the online membership management software. Monitor monthly membership awards from the Texas PTA and submit information where applicable.
1 out of 3 filled.

Fourth Vice President (Ways and Means/Fundraising)
Plan and recommend projects to raise money necessary to fund the PTA budget. Manage the Community Sponsors campaign and create banner to promote sponsors. Be in charge of the fundraising module for the online membership management software.
1 out of 3 filled.

Record minutes at all executive board, and membership meetings, and post to the PTA website. Responsible for correspondence. Maintain, collect and preserve required PTA documents. Confirm all executive board members are registered with Texas PTA and have signed applicable documents. File required delegate information and changes with Council PTA. Present summary of all PTA events at the annual meeting.
1 out of 3 filled.

Have custody of all the PTA funds as one of two required signatures on all check disbursements. Maintain book of accounts, and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts and canceled checks in accordance with the records retention policy. Make disbursements in accordance with the budget approved by the membership. Serve as budget and finance committee chair. Present written and verbal financial report at board and membership meetings. Present next fiscal year's budget proposal at annual meeting. File electronically the appropriate Form 990 at fiscal year end. Complete and file all tax documents. Present book of accounts to the financial reconciliation committee at fiscal year end.
0 out of 3 filled.

Assists during board and membership meetings to confirm bylaws are being followed. Prepare for and preside over the nominating committee meeting.
2 out of 3 filled.

Arts in Education Chair
Encourage students to participate in the arts and coordinate participation in the annual PTA Reflections program.
0 out of 3 filled.

Athletic Representative
Assist the athletic department; serve as the liaison to the Wildcat Booster Club; assist with the end of year athletic banquet.
3 out of 3 filled.

Band Representative
Assist the band department and serve as the liaison to the Band Booster Club
1 out of 3 filled.

Choir Representative
Assist the choir department and serve as a liaison to the Choir Booster Club.
1 out of 3 filled.

Citizenship and Legislation
Promote and encourage good citizenship among the LHMS student Boyd. Promote legislation that further the education, health, welfare and safety of children and youth.
1 out of 3 filled.

Clothes Closet
Attend clothes closet training. Encourage and coordinate volunteers. Coordinate the collection of necessary items needed at the RISD Clothes Closet.
2 out of 3 filled.

Community Outreach
Assist LHMS counselors to fulfill student needs. Coordinate the collection of, organize, and maintain the needed items for on-site LHMS care closet.
3 out of 3 filled.

Council Delegate
Attend all meetings of the RISD Council of PTAs. Promote and execute the Council PTA projects as needed.
1 out of 3 filled.

Council Delegate Alternate
Attend all meetings of the RISD Council of PTAs. Promote and execute the Council PTA projects as needed.
2 out of 3 filled.

Plan, organize and execute school dances sponsored by the PTA. Publicize the dance and coordinate sales of dance tickets. Secure volunteers, donations and security for dances.
3 out of 3 filled.

Fall Events/Tailgate
Plan and organize the fall community event collaborating with the FMMS representative. Promote and publicize the event. Coordinate ticket sales and all volunteers for the event.
1 out of 3 filled.

Grounds / Environmental
Plan and recommend improvements to LHMS school grounds. Coordinate the improvements with school administration. Coordinate special activities as requested by the Executive Board.
0 out of 3 filled.

Health and Safety
Promote the education of LHMS parents, teachers and students in matters of health through programs, projects and communications. Assist counselors with Red Ribbon Week. Oversee volunteer programs in the school clinic as requested.
1 out of 3 filled.

Plan and supervise the PTA's social affairs, including executive, board and general membership meetings. Plan and coordinate LHMS PTA board holiday party. Assist other community PTA's in RISD and the staff appreciation chair as needed.
0 out of 3 filled.

Promote awareness, inclusion and engagement of all diverse populations represented in our community. Assist the faculty with the LHMS Multicultural event.
0 out of 3 filled.

Library Representative
Assist the LHMS Librarian with special events such as Book Fair and author visits. Support the librarian with any volunteer needs.
0 out of 3 filled.

Compile and edit material for the LHMS PTA Newsletter. Distribute newsletter to PTA and LHMS community. Oversee the newsletter module of our online membership management tool.
1 out of 3 filled.

Orchestra Representative
Assist the orchestra department and serve as liaison to the Orchestra Booster Club.
0 out of 3 filled.

Be in charge of general publicity for the LHMS PTA. Submit articles and pictures to area publications. Serve as community liaison among other Lake Highlands are school. Create, maintain and regularly update social media outlets related to LHMS PTA. Coordinate with grade level reps to disseminate relevant LHMS information.
0 out of 3 filled.

Special and Gifted Education (SAGE)
Assist LHMS parents and students in becoming more aware of special student services and gifted student services. Support RISD gift and special student serve programs, and coordinate special activities as requested by the LHMS PTA board.
0 out of 3 filled.

Spirit Wear
Design, select, have produced, sell, organize and distribute LHMS spirit items. Oversee store module of online membership management software.
0 out of 3 filled.

Spring Event / Chili Cook Off
Plan, organize, promote, coordinate volunteers, and ticket sales for a spring fundraising event (such as Chili Cook-Off) benefitting LHMS PTA.
1 out of 3 filled.

Staff Appreciation : Co-Chair
Coordinate with the LHMS Principal on staff events. Host luncheons, provide snacks and coordinate seasonal appreciation for staff throughout the year, including: new hires, prfesoinal development week, back to school, schedule pick up, open house, winter holiday party, Valentine's Day, STAAR testing, Teacher Appreciation Week, end of year staff party, and quarterly or semester staff birthday celebrations.
3 out of 3 filled.

Staff Appreciation : Co-Chair
Coordinate with the LHMS Principal on staff events. Host luncheons, provide snacks and coordinate seasonal appreciation for staff throughout the year, including: new hires, prfesoinal development week, back to school, schedule pick up, open house, winter holiday party, Valentine's Day, STAAR testing, Teacher Appreciation Week, end of year staff party, and quarterly or semester staff birthday celebrations.
2 out of 3 filled.

Technology / Website
Manage the LHMS Membership Toolkit account. Maintain and regularly update the LHMS PTA website to be a useful communication tool. Manage online PTA calendar. Coordinate with 1st VP to set up online store in our membership management software over the summer to facilitate the purchase of PTA memberships, spirit wear, yearbooks, etc. Assist with electronic newsletter and communication of the LHMS PTA as needed.
1 out of 3 filled.

Theater Representative
Assist the theater department and serve as liaison to the Theater Booster Club.
2 out of 3 filled.

Volunteer Services
Recruit volunteers for school wide PTA projects. Oversee volunteer module of online membership management software. Serve on Awards Committee. Prepare and submit reports to the RISD Department of Volunteer Services.
0 out of 3 filled.

Yearbook Representative
Assist staff with compiling photos, editing material, and publishing the LHMS yearbook, following all guidelines for publication. Assist with yearbook signing party.
1 out of 3 filled.